viernes, mayo 21, 2010 | Etiquetas: Lengua Castellana, Power Point-ak | 1 Comments
Hemen bakarrik berriz,
bakarrik pentsatzen nago,
paradisua amaitu
ta infernua hastear dago.
Bederatzi hilabetez
nire kondena ordaintzen dut
ta hiru hilabetez libre,
pena merezi al du?
Ta goizero ordaintzen dut
nire eguneroko tortura;
goiz-goiz jaikitzen naiz:
klasera joateko ordua!!
( ez dago bukatua )
martes, mayo 18, 2010 | Etiquetas: Euskara, Poemas | 3 Comments
Oda al Lazarillo de Tormes
viernes, mayo 07, 2010 | Etiquetas: Lengua Castellana, Poemas | 0 Comments
My favourite sport is ice-hockey. I like it because it is very nice and spectacular. The players have a stick and they have to pass a puck each other, trying to score goals in the goal of the other team. They go on skates, factor that make the game more interesting. I play in an ice-hockey team called Sumendi. Last weekend we played a tournament at Donosti. We were the last team because the other teams were really good: Majadahonda Madrid, Aramon Jaca and Txuri Urdin Donosti. Nevertheless we lost, we were happy because we played great and they gave us some great medals!
viernes, mayo 07, 2010 | Etiquetas: English, Idazlanak | 0 Comments
- xabi
- Vitoria gasteiz, Alava
- KAIXO!Xabi naiz, 13 urte ditut, Gasteizen bizi naiz, patinatzea asko gustatzen zait eta izotz hockeya jokatzen dut Sumendi taldean. Hau eskolarekin egin dudan blog berria da. Espero dut zuen gustukoa izatea. Horrela ez bada, mesedez esan zer modutan hobetu ahal dudan!ESKERRIK ASKO!!! Goian ikusten duzuen argazkian Michael Jordan saskibaloi jokalariarekin agertzen naiz. KAR,KAR,KAR!!!